
Life Savers for Very Busy Teachers

Ciencias: Plants, Human Body, Habitats, Matter & Materials, Electricity & Magnetism, y Machines.


En esta página se presentan los contenidos de  Ciencias: Plants, Human Body, Habitats, Matter & Materials, Electricity & Magnetism, y Machines. Se pueden imprimir individualmente cada uno de los epígrafes o el documento completo.



0.  Contents.
1.  Main objectives.
2.  Useful websites.
3.  Word wall cards.
4.  Vocabulary cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key question cards.
7.  Prior learning diagram.
8.  Hands on activity: Phototropism.
9.  Reading comprehension: Mendel.
10. Final activity.





Human Body



0.  Contents.
1.  Main objectives.
2.  Useful websites.
3.  Word wall cards.
4.  Vocabulary cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key question cards.
7.  Prior learning diagram.
8.  Hands on activity: Phototropism.
9.  Reading comprehension: Fast food.
10. Final activity.











0.  Contents.
1.  Main objectives.
2.  Useful websites.
3.  Word wall cards.
4.  Vocabulary cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key question cards.
7.  Prior learning diagram.
8.  Hands on activity.

     8a.  Branched key resource sheet.
     8b.  Jungle Food Web resource

     8bI. Pupil photo prompt sheet.
     8bII.Teacher photo prompt

            answer key.
     8c.   Jungle fact file sheet.
9.  Reading comprehension.
10. Final activity.



Matter & Materials


0.  Contents.
1.  Main Objectives.
2.  Useful Websites.
3.  Word Wall Cards.
4.  Vocabulary Cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key Question Cards.
7.  Prior Learning Diagram.
8.  Hands-On Activities:.Matter. Put it

     to the Test.
9.  Reading comprehension:.Plastic.
10. Final activity. I. Facts sheet.

     II. Flow chart.

     III. Fill in the blank.


Electricity & Magnetism


0.  Contents.
1.  Main Objectives.
2.  Useful Websites.
3.  Word Wall Cards.
4.  Vocabulary Cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key Question Cards.
7.  Prior Learning Diagram.
8.  Hands On Activity: Electricity and

     Magnetism; Put it to the Test!.
9.  Reading Comprehension. Electricity:

     Get Eco-logical.
10. Final Activity: Electric Circuits.






0.  Contents.
1.  Main objectives.
2.  Useful websites.
3.  Word wall cards.
4.  Vocabulary cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key question cards.
7.  Prior learning diagram.
8.  Hands on activity. Make a pulley.
9.  Reading comprehension: Computers.
10. Final activity. The importance of
