
Life Savers for Very Busy Teachers

Historia y Sociedad: Prehistory, Ancient History, Middle Ages, y Changing World

En esta página se presentan los contenidos de  Historia y Sociedad: Prehistory, Ancient History, Middle Ages, y Changing World. Se pueden imprimir individualmente cada uno de los epígrafes o el documento completo.






0.  Contents.

1.   Main Objectives.

2.   Useful Websites.

3.  Word Wall Cards.

4.  Vocabulary Cards.

5.  Glossary.

6.   Key Question Cards.

7.   Prior Learning Diagram.

8.  Hands-On Activity.

9.   Reading Comprehension:  Scientists say we are


10. Final Activity: A day in the life of a Prehistoric child.

     10a.  Planning sheets for final activity.


Prehistory Timeline.









Ancient History


0.  Contents.
1.  Main Objectives.
2.  Useful Websites.
3.  Word Wall Cards.
4.  Vocabulary Cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key Question Cards.
7.  Prior Learning Diagram.
8.  Hands-On Activity.
9.  Reading Comprehension: Spanish Languages.
10. Final Activity: A day in the life of a child living in The

     Romans times.

Ancient History Timeline.


Middle Ages


0.  Contents.
1.  Main Objectives.
2.  Useful Websites.
3.  Word Wall Cards.
4.  Vocabulary Cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key Question Cards.
7.  Prior Learning Diagram.
8.  Hands-On Activity.
9.  Reading Comprehension: Historic Characters .

10. Final Activity: My Life as a Medieval Child.


Middle Ages Timeline.





Changing World


0.  Contents.
1.  Main Objectives.
2.  Useful Websites.
3.  Word Wall Cards.
4.  Vocabulary Cards.
5.  Glossary.
6.  Key Question Cards.
7.  Prior Learning Diagram.
8.  Hands-On Activity.

     8a.1 Passport Cover.
     8a.1 Passport 1.
     8b. Poster planning sheet.
     8c. Less able poster format.
9.  Reading Comprehension.
10. Final Activity: A letter to a friend.